

يحدد هذا الاختبار مستوى معرفتك بـ SQL

زودنا بعلوماتك

1. What does the following code snippet do?


2. Which of the following commands is used to delete all rows and free up space from a table?

3. The table columns in a database are also called:

4. Which of the following is used to update data (row) in a database?

5. What does the following statement in SQL do?

DROP TABLE student;

6. What command is used to create a new table in SQL?

7. ?What does SQL stand for

8. What does DML stand for?

9. Which one of the following is used to extract data from a database?

10. With MySQL, how do you select all records from a database?

11. Which of the following commands are a part of Data Control Language?

12. Which of the following is a Data Definition Language (DDL)?

13. Database management system (DBMS) is _____.

14. Which one of the following is used to count the number of rows in a SQL query?

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